Thursday, May 19, 2011

JYJ released official press release in response to KBS’s official stance on MAY 19, 2011.

We appreciate that KBS officially stated its stance saying that JYJ will be able to appear on Music Bank when JYJ release an official album. According to recent cases, it is inevitable that artists are in inferior positions when a broadcast company refuses appearances on TV regardless of what the reason may be.

In Feb, the court acknowledged that SM interfered in JYJ’s album release by sending official document to Warner Music, production label of JYJ, and ordered SM to pay compensation for the interference. In the view of these facts, there still are many obstacles stading in JYJ’s way to release an official album. [Translator's Note: In Oct 2010, SM sent an official document to Warner Music, asking not to distribute JYJ's worldwide album <The Beginning>.]

But we will overcome this invisible external pressure for our fans waiting for us and release an official album. With this, we hope that we will meet the viewers via Music Bank.

And regarding the present situation, the issue is not only about JYJ’s appearance but also about the inappropriate post on a public online forum that damages JYJ’ name. Therefore we request that KBS rectify this in order to minimize misunderstanding that the post may ensue.  

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