Yuchun looked his best when he was wearing the vest and black shirt during his solo I Love You
I honestly think that the way his solo was choreographed was meant to literally kill all his fans. He started with the dancers in the cage, then proceeded to tease the whole stadium when he touched the dancers or rather made it looked like he touched them. Then he walked seductively to the centre of the T stage. What a tease!
Then in the middle of the stage when the 4 dancers appeared, he let them grab and caress him from behind while he lets out his soft falsetto voice singing I Love You
And with that act, I swear most of the girls sitting behind me just died. Director Kim Jae Joong and Yuchun orchestrated this seductive act like a pro. And it did not help chunsas at all that Yuchun was all sweating during his solo
Yuchun is my bias. Made me wonder why on earth did I fly all the way to Taipei to see him break my heart into pieces? He is indeed the ultimate bad boy of KPOP. Sigh…I did the same thing in November last year..
I don’t understand a word of Korean but Un Named Song Part 1 showed me that you don’t have to understand the language to connect with the song. Listening to the song made me feel so sad. In fact the whole stadium was bewitched with the intensity of Yuchun’s rap. His voice was husky but demanding. And when you hear both Junsu and Jae’s soft and beautiful voice adding on to the song, tears simply flows down your cheeks.
Most of the Korean fans sitting around me were sobbing. I guess it’s even sadder when you can understand every single word of their outpouring of pain and anger. That song was clearly one of the most climatic highlights of the concert. Fans clapped and chanted approvingly when Yuchun screamed out the word “JYJ”.
All three played their role in this song so effectively.
Junsu headlined Fallen Leaves beautifully and all three were amazing in terms of their vocal harmony in this song. The lighting during Fallen Leaves was the most impressive because it was like all three were singing amongst the stars in the sky
Junsu’s singing….there is no words to describe how captivating it was.
I love listening to Jae when he sang Nine and In Heaven. During the opening verse of In Heaven, his pleading voice simply pierced through your heart. I honestly felt like I can feel his pain and the chorus – oh my goodness, it was so beautiful. With this song, I can now stop repeating Bolero and Love is The Ice. Jae really nailed it when he composed this song. This time tears were flowing because I was so happy that they have finally found their BIG song.
I love all their new songs. Get Out is such a catchy song and I really like their dance steps. During You’re JYJ gave out multi-colours balls and Junsu was in charge of my side. He had serious fun as he was smiling while singing seeing fans trying so hard to catch the balls. Naughty Junsu!
A Boy’s Letter was so good…and I especially love Yuchun’s voice in this song. It was so husky and romantic. Thank god there were’nt any crazy dancers around. (Note to self : Mission to Taipei accomplished – this is one romantic love letter from Yuchun to me! eventhough I dont know the lyrics
Their performances of Mission, Pierrot, IDS, Aay Girl, and Empty were of course enjoyable to watch. Most fun? Be My Girl flash mob. The boys were smiling ear to ear just by watching fans trying to keep up with their dance steps.
Needless to say, Chajatta is kind of a JYJ anthem.
My dear Lee Seon Joon of Sungkyunkwan Scandal
I will never forget you
It is you who brought me to JYJ
So I chant out their three names and the word Chajatta like a lost soul.
I must congratulate the Taiwanese fans. They really tried their best to give a unified support to JYJ. They passed around full paper instruction so that fans would know what to do during the concert. They even have it in multiple language. It was like a complete manual, I kid you not!
And the post encore project was the best. Fans held up wordings of “JYJ The New Beginning or Let’s Restart and THANK YOU JYJ FROM TAIWAN FANS” while JYJ were walking on stage to give their customary goodbyes.
All 3 were visibly touched when they saw the messages. It was so touching to see them just standing speechless on stage in such a humble way while fans held up the paper. Their face expression were full of gratitude and I think Junsu and JJ cried
Then they gave their final bow and walked back to the back of the stage. From far, I can see JJ giving Junsu a congratulatory pat on the shoulder
I was lucky to be able to get Row 1 seats facing the left side of the T stage(Thank you Rachel from the bottom of my heart!) The boys were like 4 feet away from me so I can see their faces clearly.
JaeJoong is truly the most beautiful man on earth last night. Even those Elle videos and photos simply do not do him justice. Yuchun has an X factor that can turn any stadium upside down. Just a glimpse of the tattoo on his chest was too hot to handle. Junsu is so cute and adorable, he makes you want to pinch his cuddly cheeks. And he makes you all giddy ….yes Laura I know…
JYJ has the power to make you momentarily forget your bias each time they do their solo and when they sang together, their voices harmonized perfectly. You can’t help but to love all three even more.
I hope JYJ will get to perform at Jamsil Olympic Stadium again during finale concert in Korea. They are made to perform in a big stadium with thousands of fans chanting their names while they sing their beautiful songs. So that even the sky can hear our chants of Jae Joong, Yuchun, Junsu and JYJ….
p/s my Iphone was confiscated by the organiser while I was filming Yuchun dancing to the song Chajatta in front of me. I was ready to throw a fit but JaeJoong suddenly came to dance in front of me – so all my anger vaporised into thin air. Hahaha! I am sorry if I missed any parts of the concert.
I was lucky to have met Grace, Rachel, Mei Mei and many others during this Taipei concert. Thanks to Grace – I got to taste TiO! I look forward to a chance to meet other fandom mates soon!! I love you guys!
credit: popqueen1711@soompi
shared by: sharingyoochun.net
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